Wir machen Frühlingsferien/ We'll be on spring holiday
von / From: 10. März. 2025 bis / until: 15. März. 2025
Our approach is to develop an understanding of your dog's personality in order to encourage and nurture them in appropriate areas and ways.
Our prices
Before packages or individual services can be booked we need to get to know you. It takes 60 minutes and costs 120.- CHF (on site cash only payment for this first consult) and serves as a base for determining where you are and how we can help you.
You can download our questionnaire with some of the most important questions here:
Send the filled out questionnaire back to us, so we can start with more insight.
We hand out packages tailor made to your needs. Simply ask us about it.
Can be booked individually
Every offer can be booked individually
Our pricing
Without dogs -> 100.- CHF per hour
With dogs at ours -> 120.- CHF per hour
With dogs not at ours -> 150.-CHF per hour
Groups -> 40.- CHF
Nose work / Dog's world -> 45.- CHF
Walking service -> Start at 60.- CHF
Our in house walking and sitting service!
For further information conntact Klea Zürcher, 2plus4, 077 446 73 74 or Email at Klea@2plus4.ch
We reserve the right to make the duration of our lessons and consultations dependent on the condition of your dog.
The services of the Fröscher dog school only come about with the consent and prior agreement of both parties. You can reach us via the contact form, email, phone, mobile phone and WhatsApp.
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Sie mögen älter sein, aber sie können vieles - they may be older, but can do many things
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Wir führen Ihren Hund für Sie - We handle the lead for you
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Ruhe, Regeneration, Reflexion und mehr
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Hören,riechen,sehen,fühlen,spüren Hear,smell,see,feel,expirience
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Mehr als ein Spaziergang - More than a walk
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Wir wechseln zwischen den Gruppenangeboten - We switch between the group activities
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Fortgeschrittene Nasenarbeit - Advanced Nosework
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Basierend auf Ihren Bedürfnissen - based on your needs
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Sinnvolle Beschäftigungsmöglichkeiten mit Hunden - Sensible enrichment and games to do with dogs
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Für Termine bitte anfragen - Ask us for a session