Wir machen Frühlingsferien/ We'll be on spring holiday
von / From: 10. März. 2025 bis / until: 15. März. 2025
Our approach is to develop an understanding of your dog's personality in order to encourage and nurture them in appropriate areas and ways.
Our Values
Our Philosophy
Our approach is to develop an understanding of your dog's personality in order to encourage and nurture them in appropriate areas and ways. We make it our mission to use our in-depth knowledge and many years of experience to support you, offer suggestions, give feedback and demonstrate new paths.
Dogs are inventive, creative and intelligent beings who are always exciting to be around: Although living with dogs can seem to be repetitive in some ways, look a little closer and there are actually new subtle variations every day, right from the start.
The art of recognising these fine nuances and discovering the personalities of our dogs more and more is a never-ending process with a lot of joy and beautiful experiences.
Of course everyday life can bring challenges as well - not gonna lie. But your approach to these challenges and the creativity you bring to finding solutions are in your hands.
Finding where the line is in terms of duties and requirements towards society - that is, dogs interacting respectfully with each other as well as with humans and their surroundings - is an important and fascinating task which dogs and owners alike face every day.
This is exactly where we are ready to support you. Together we will figure out what your dog's needs are:
Where can freedoms be granted and where must limits be established; What does your dog perhaps need more of, what do they need less of and in what proportion; Where do their strengths and weaknesses lie and how do we help your dog make progress?
Along with dealing with specific issues that may arise, we also offer wide-ranging, thoroughgoing approaches for exercising your dog's mind and body in a breed- and age-appropriate way.
These tailor-made experiences will allow your dog to grow in character and to face everyday challenges with greater and greater ease.

Our code of conduct
Introduction: The behaviour recommendations listed below are the sum of years of good and less fun experiences from our everyday work.
The well-being of your dog, as well as the well-being of all other participating dogs, is very important to us. We hope you too and therefore ask you to adhere to the following when visiting us:
1. Before starting the lesson, please leave your dog in the car
- This way we have the opportunity to briefly discuss the procedure of the lesson with you and to pass on any other important information without your dog having to rely on your and our attention.
- It can happen that something has already been prepared by us for you and your dog on or around the training area and it would be inconvenient if you entered it uninformed.
- There could still be dogs or other animals on the training area, which are not so good at handling the arrival of other dogs.
- We can avoid an uncontrolled meeting of the dogs present and thus prevent any resulting, possibly unfavourable situations.
- Before each lesson, you have the chance to inform us and other participants about what your dog currently needs in order to feel comfortable during the time together.
2. Punctual is great - and too late is «better» than too early
- Very simple: this will reduce the waiting time for your dog in the car.
About the car: Of course we only ask you to leave your dog in the car on arrival if it is not too hot.
In the best case (especially when value was placed on it from the start and the dogs have no trauma in this regard), many dogs find the car pleasant, even a place of retreat and it can be a great aid for the dog to calm down.
If this is not the case with your dog and he has difficulties with it, or you're traveling to us without a car, please contact us before your appointment so that we can find a suitable solution.
3. Please do not come earlier to take your dog for a walk in the region in front of the practice area
- There may be an anxious dog on or in front of the training area before your lesson, who could react stressed by your arrival or the sight of your dog. It would be a shame for that dogs lesson to end that way!
- We may have prepared things in front of or around the exercise area that your dog should not find yet.
- It prevents an uncontrolled meeting of unknown dogs before the lesson, should several participants do this at the same time.
- If you have reasons why it is important for you and your dog to go for a walk immediately before the lesson, please do so in a different location. Talk to us for tips on suitable locations.
- Remember: Your dog IS ALLOWED to use the training ground as a toilet!
(Disposal is your responsibility: Robidog is available right next to the practice area).
- Your dog is fresh and ready for his lesson.
- If your dog still likes it and it doesn't bother the further course with the following dogs, it is better to do a little lap after the lesson to let it end in peace.
4. Unless otherwise agreed with us, please keep your dog on a leash
- Those who know us and our work already know: The work or handling on the «lead» (When we speak of «leads» we always speak of the so-called "long leads" between 3m - 5m. Not of double leads under 3m and not flexilines, or other lead variants) is an important and beautiful aspect of our work. With good handling, your dog does not feel badly on the lead but accompanied, supported and yes, sometimes also limited if this is necessary.
- This is how we contribute to the safety and well-being of everyone: your dog, the other dogs, the other participants and us.
- You are always able to direct and control a situation.
Regarding letting dogs off-lead: "Only those who can handle it are really free".
The free-run is very important to many dog owners and we understand this. It is a nice aspect in the life of the dog and owner and also in our work.
However, we must insist that certain conditions are met: For example the safety and well-being of everyone present. The possibility of being able to leash your dog again. And very important: your dog has the skills it needs to do so.
In this case we are welcome to involve the free-run in our work together.
Otherwise, the following principle applies: it is better to be well supported on a lead than to be overly free.
5. Conduct in group lessons
- After the introduction we take the dogs out of the cars one by one, on leads and guide them to the practice area.
- We give our dogs a certain arrival time by moving around the practice area with them.
So the dogs can:
a) Reduce the excitement of driving and arriving
b) pursue the latest smells undisturbed
c) use the bathroom if necessary
d) deal with the other dogs at a distance, one by one and without being pressured or pressured.
Very valuable for the dogs!
Regarding contact: If nothing else has been discussed in advance, the following principle applies:
"Do not make direct contact between dogs on leads", i.e. do not let your own dog off-lead.
In many cases however, this is quite possible but must be agreed in advance and approved by the owner and ultimately also depends on our assessment.
In the case of direct contact we make sure that only two dogs deal with each other at a time. If your dog is the third one, limit it in good time and wait until the two other dogs break away from each other. The same applies if another dog is on the toilet or busy doing something: Nettiquette.
Communication is very important: actively convey to the other participants what you and your dog need or don't need from them.
During the lesson: There may be waiting times again and again during an explanation or until it is your turn. In these moments please make sure that you are not standing too close to the other participating dogs, but rather take the space necessary for yourself and your dog to experience these situations comfortably. You can do this at any time and without being asked, we encourage it. We try to ensure that you hear everything important despite the distance.
6. We do not feed or touch other dogs
Feeding other dogs has a number of negative effects, here are just a few:
a) It may be that the dog in question is immediately drawn to you because of the experience of getting food from others, no longer free in his attention. Please do not confuse this behaviour with affection for you, but as passion for the food from your hand. Forgive us for this pragmatic statement.
b) Perhaps the dog is allergic to an ingredient in your food. you do not know.
c) Would you want your dog to learn that he gets food from strangers and that he runs away from you many meters in order to reach a stranger because of this?
d) There may be a resource issue between your dog and the other dog.
Touching another living being, in this case another dog, can fall short of it's need for individual distance and can lead to discomfort in the dog, up to and including defensive reactions. So please: Always get the owner's permission and if they give consent, watch the dog carefully: Does he appreciate my contact and my touch?
Finally, a note on mindfulness
Be it in individual or group lessons: Your dog depends on you and your mindfulness.
Your dog is always in the present and reacts to the moment. Either with behaviour that is desirable or undesirable for us. Little or no attention from you can therefore lead to unfavourable situations for which we do not hold the dog responsible, but rather you - provided you could have changed / prevented said behaviour with attention and foresight.
To always be present and in the situation is not as natural for us humans as it is for our dogs: You have to be careful what is being explained, have your own thoughts, meet interesting participants and yet, to focus again and again to the present moment and postpone conversations with others until your dog no longer needs your attention.
We also try to stay alert in the situation in order to be able to react quickly and appropriately. You can support us by doing the same and asking and explaining your questions and descriptions of situations you have experienced before or after your actively working with your dog. Or send us your stories and questions in writing per email - we will be happy to answer your questions as soon as we have time.
Don't take it personally if we interrupt you during the lesson and bring your focus back to the current situation and the present.
Conclusion: Your dog will thank you if you are fully with him and mindful during his active presence.